All Buckbuck LTD games are live events and therefore once the booking is confirmed, refunds and cancellations are not accepted. Changes can be made to a booking up to 21 days before the event. Your experience will begin and end at the appointed time.

For online team games: Audience members may join at £5 pp. Each player counts as each human (not screen). Extra players may be added after booking.

Bookings that take a deposit as one of two separate payments have a £15 admin fee.

Changing a booked date at the request of the customer comes with a £15 admin fee.

For company bookings, a supplier registration admin charge of £25 applies if enrolment process is involved.

If you do not book the minimum number of tickets required for a ticketed game, you may be joined by others. For more information please see our FAQs page.

I acknowledge that all interpretations of the ‘House Rules’ as attached shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of Buckbuck LTD.

I agree that all secrets and other important details of the Buckbuck LTD games are Trade Secrets that are protected by Intellectual Property Law. I also agree to keep all the obtained information confidential, and I refrain from disclosing or publishing any information fully to any third party. I understand that Buckbuck LTD wants its players to tell their friends about the game played, but I agree not to spoil other peoples’ games or Buckbuck LTD’ business by telling the Trade Secrets.

I accept that me and my team mates may appear in pictures or film by Buckbuck LTD for training or marketing purposes.  

I understand that any use, copy distribution, public display or creation of any imitative work from Buckbuck LTD Games is not permitted. I accept that Buckbuck LTD has all rights to take legal action against any infringement.

I understand that Buckbuck LTD Game is not recommended to those with any heart conditions,  hypertension, claustrophobia or similar conditions. I also understand that I have to act in accordance with the “House Rules” as attached for my own safety. I accept that Buckbuck LTDshall not kept liable for any kind of injury, damage, loss or inconvenience suffered during or after the game based on the game.

I agree to handle the facilities in Buckbuck LTD games with good care. I accept that Buckbuck LTD games has the right to seek full compensation in case of any attempt to cause damage or damage caused to the tools, equipment and layout. I also understand that Buckbuck LTD has the right to terminate the game at any time, if anyone of the players violates the ‘House Rules’ or refuses to follow the instructions of Buckbuck LTD employees. If Buckbuck LTD terminates the game, there is no refund of fees.

I understand that entering Buckbuck LTD facilities under the influence of alcohol or any classified substance is prohibited. 

I understand that games may not be suitable for those who are pregnant or with heart conditions. 

I understand that due the nature of the game, people under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult at all times to take part in the games offered by Buckbuck LTD. 

I respect Buckbuck game actors role in this game and shall treat them as the beautiful souls they are. I shall not abuse them physically or verbally as I know they are here for fun, so I will be too.